MBC【家和萬事成】角色人物 ~
男主: 李必模 (飾 劉賢奇)
總是以精英形象示人的他,天生的基因好是一回事,連外套袖子外面露出的襯衣的長度也總是沒有誤差要確定的這一點,不能忍受一點不完美的他的習慣是一個很大的原因。 就像端正的人總是有強迫症,所有面都強調完美的他,因此在年紀輕輕就當上了HS公司的本部長,他能有今天,也有為了不辜負想要「教育出一個成功的兒子」有這樣一個理念活過來得未婚媽媽的期待,曾花了很多時間做努力的功勞。
總是以精英形象示人的他,天生的基因好是一回事,連外套袖子外面露出的襯衣的長度也總是沒有誤差要確定的這一點,不能忍受一點不完美的他的習慣是一個很大的原因。 就像端正的人總是有強迫症,所有面都強調完美的他,因此在年紀輕輕就當上了HS公司的本部長,他能有今天,也有為了不辜負想要「教育出一個成功的兒子」有這樣一個理念活過來得未婚媽媽的期待,曾花了很多時間做努力的功勞。
正是該撒嬌的年齡卻先學會了控制感情的方法,為了運動,學習,外貌,甚至是說話的完美,花了很多心思。 和妻子的婚姻生活,也是在「定好的所有角色」上盡了全力。 只是不知道,雖然哀切但是夫婦關係中比起扮演角色,更需要安慰這一事實。 對於那樣的他,人們總說他是「嚴重的感情障礙。 」「傷處不是我給你的,是你自己受到的啊。 」對於需要安慰的妻子,冷酷地說了這句話並以它來結束13年的婚姻生活這一點來看,也沒有說錯。 只有在妻子離開後,才意識到,那個曾是我妻子的女人,事實上我是多麼愛她。
(全文翻譯: 楠楠,李必模吧)
Yoo Hyun Ki (Lee Pil Mo)
Breaking up with his wife and falling in new love, it is also with his wife again!
Without trouble, he has a smooth skin, always with short hairstyle. Due to the habit of exercising, not even a bit of flab, with a silky smooth body, unarguably educated and articulate, and charismatic overwhelming eyes. It can be said that he always goes through (living through) elite course because he has that great bloodline/innate genes. However, the reason why he is so exact, from overcoat, even the length of the shirt sleeves which can be seen outside without even a bit of error, is due to his habit of perfection. Like a person who obsessed with ‘must’, he is complete in all aspects. Because of that, at the young age, he climbs up to (achieve) the manager position of HS Group. For that, living with the determination of ‘the only son whom you can get him to success’, there is time when he work so hard for not letting his single mom down. For ages, he learnt to control emotions. And, he tried hard to be perfect in study, exercise, appearance and even tone. No wonder, during the marriage life with his wife, he did all his best to “every appointed role”. Unfortunately, it is just that he doesn’t know the fact that comfort is needed in between the couple, rather than a role. People said to him of having ‘a severe emotional disorder’. “Pain/Wound is not given by me. you are receiving.” Talking cold to his wife who needs comfort in a word. It is not wrong to say (No Wonder), they get divorced after 13 years of marriage. He realized only when his wife left….that I very much love that woman who has been my wife.
Yoo Hyun Ki (Lee Pil Mo)
Breaking up with his wife and falling in new love, it is also with his wife again!
Without trouble, he has a smooth skin, always with short hairstyle. Due to the habit of exercising, not even a bit of flab, with a silky smooth body, unarguably educated and articulate, and charismatic overwhelming eyes. It can be said that he always goes through (living through) elite course because he has that great bloodline/innate genes. However, the reason why he is so exact, from overcoat, even the length of the shirt sleeves which can be seen outside without even a bit of error, is due to his habit of perfection. Like a person who obsessed with ‘must’, he is complete in all aspects. Because of that, at the young age, he climbs up to (achieve) the manager position of HS Group. For that, living with the determination of ‘the only son whom you can get him to success’, there is time when he work so hard for not letting his single mom down. For ages, he learnt to control emotions. And, he tried hard to be perfect in study, exercise, appearance and even tone. No wonder, during the marriage life with his wife, he did all his best to “every appointed role”. Unfortunately, it is just that he doesn’t know the fact that comfort is needed in between the couple, rather than a role. People said to him of having ‘a severe emotional disorder’. “Pain/Wound is not given by me. you are receiving.” Talking cold to his wife who needs comfort in a word. It is not wrong to say (No Wonder), they get divorced after 13 years of marriage. He realized only when his wife left….that I very much love that woman who has been my wife.
英文全文 cr. http://forums.soompi.com/en/topic/381502-upcoming-drama-2016-happy-home-가화만사성/?do=findComment&comment=19555287
(影片: CR MBC)
- 嗯,髮型變成這樣子了。。 大家好,我是李必模
Q:《家和萬事成》的劉炫基(賢奇) 解讀
- 劉炫基是在大企業的會長身邊擔職企劃部本部長的年少有為的角色,卻因為失去兒子而失去了所有,終致內心空虛寂寥。。
- 尚禹所飾演的主治醫師一角,我之前也有過很多的演出經歷,像長腿叔叔一樣的。。 素研在無助時會出現在身邊並説明她,兩人也會偶然相遇。。。身為丈夫的我的立場上看的話會頭腦發熱,怒火中燒。。。。 尚禹與我有孽緣,然也有姻緣,皆因他是我的主治醫生,亦友亦情敵,將我的妻子奪走,但我認為既然名為《家和萬事成》,素研終究會回到我身邊的 ㅋㅋ
- 攝像頭到別人那裡時都是開朗明亮,風趣幽默的。。。。 但是鏡頭到我這裡就變成沉重壓抑的那種。。 重壓感太強烈,我也需要以成熟的演技克服這一壓力。
- 我們MBC週末連續劇《家和萬事成》中出演者們,從老人到小孩兒,每個人都非常可親可愛,而且沒有出現在鏡頭裡的那些所有的群演中,到現在我都細細觀察著沒有一個看著奇怪的,都非常其樂融融。。。 相信此劇會成為2016年中感銘深刻的一部劇,謝謝大家!
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